tovswind - Produces a TeraScan metafile dataset of wind vectors from TOVS wind speed and direction data.

tovswind [ parameter=value ... ] [ inputfile ... outputfile ]

Parameters are: master_file, flag_height, mb_level.


tovswind produces a TeraScan metafile dataset of wind vectors from TOVS wind speed and direction data. The wind direction and speed, in meters per second, are shown as flags with half barbs indicating 5 m/s increments in speed, full barbs indicating 10 m/s increments in speed, and triangular barbs indicating 50 m/s. The metafile can be overlaid on an image using the xvu Overlay Metafile command panel.

The height of each flag can be adjusted for large images that must be reduced to fit on the display screen. Large, continent-sized master datasets use flag heights of 8.0 pixels. Base maps up to 1280 by 1024 kilometers use a flag height of 20.0 pixels.

There is one input TeraScan dataset that contains the TOVS data and there is one output TeraScan dataset that contains the metafile data.



This is the name of the master dataset. The earth-location transform of the master dataset is used to convert latitude and longitude coordinates to line and sample coordinates during the metafile-generation process.

Valid responses are any TeraScan dataset with an earth transform. The default is Master.


This is the size of the weather symbols. Valid responses are [>=1]. There default is 20.


This is the pressure level in millibars at which the winds should be computed. 850 millibars corresponds to 1,500 meters and 200 millibars corresponds to 12,000 meters. Valid responses are [850, 700, 500, 400, 300, 250, 200, 150, or 100]. The default is 850.


Generate 200 millibar level winds for hurricane Hugo.

[1] % tovswind hugo.tov hugo.wind
master_file    : char(75) ? [Master]
flag_height    : real     ? [20]
mb_level       : real     ? [850] 200


tipin, preing, ingtov, tovpre, tovret, filret, winret, tovsproc

Last Update: $Date: 1998/05/29 20:54:41 $