tovsproc - Script to calculate atmospheric profiles from TOVS data in HRPT


tovsproc  [ parameter=value ... ] [ directory ]


This function is a script file which extracts vertical sounder (TOVS) data from HRPT data on disk or tape and produces a Terascan dataset containing geophysical quantities derived from vertical sounder data. These include temperature, geopotential heights, dew point, and derived geostrophic winds. It also produces single calculations of total ozone, total precipitable water, and longwave flux.

This script relieves the user from having the type in the sequence of TOVS commands by combining them into one script command. It produces two output files: <filename>.t and <filename>.tovs. The '.t' file contains the actual data; the '.tovs' file contains variables reorganized and named with millibar height extensions, and is used for producing overlays. It contains only pointers to the '.t' file, so the '.t' file should not be removed.

After you run tovsproc, you can produce a metafile from any of the variables in <filename>.tovs using either llcontr to create a contour, or tovswind to create windbarbs. Following is a list of variables you might contour with llcontr:

 gp_height_850          temperature_850         dew_pt_850
 gp_height_700          temperature_700         dew_pt_700
 gp_height_500          temperature_500         dew_pt_500
 gp_height_400          temperature_400         dew_pt_400
 gp_height_300          temperature_300         dew_pt_300
 gp_height_250          temperature_250
 gp_height_200          temperature_200
 gp_height_150          temperature_150
 gp_height_100          temperature_100
 gp_height_70           temperature_70
 gp_height_50           temperature_50
 gp_height_30           temperature_30
 gp_height_20           temperature_20
 gp_height_10           temperature_10





With tovswind you can produce wind barbs at the following levels: (850, 700, 500, 400, 300, 250, 200, 150, 100).

The metafiles produced by llcontr and tovswind can be overlayed on top of an image with the Overlay Metafile menu selection of xvu.

The output TDFs also contain HIRS and MSU data, as well as initial guesses used by the retrieval algorithm. You can list the variables in any dataset with the contents command.


This program runs tipin which generates all the user prompts. See tipin for a description of the parameters. The parameters can be entered on the command line, and will be passed to tipin by the script.


Extracts TOVS data from pass 1, and produces a Terascan dataset with soundings. Then contour 250 millibar geopotential height and produce 250 millibar wind barbs.

% tovsproc
on_pass_disk   : char(  3) ? [yes]
pass_number    : int (  4) ? [2] 1
use_master     : char(  3) ? [yes]
master_file    : char(255) ? [Master]
raw pass disk: Processing pass 1
Actual size is 1111 lines by 520 samples.

Beginning TOVS processing loop

  Processing HIRS/MSU file n11.94183.0021
    PREING: decommutating HIRS/MSU data...
    INGTOV: calibrating and earth locating HIRS/MSU data...
    TOVPRE: limb-correcting HIRS/MSU data...
    TOVRET: retrieving vertical profiles...
    FILRET: eliminating bad data points...
    WINRET: calculating geostrophic winds...
    tovscdf: converting to TeraScan Data Format...
    cleaning up...
  finished with pass n11.94183.0021
Processing finished.

% llcontr
in/out files   : char(255) ? n11.94183.0021.tovs n11.94183.0021.250gph
master_file    : char(255) ? [Master]
grid_spacing   : int       ? [50]
search_radius  : int       ? [50] 200
wt_power       : int       ? [2]
z_variable     : char( 31) ? gp_height_250
iso_values     : real( 30) ? [0]

% tovswind
in/out files   : char(255) ? n11.94183.0021.tovs n11.94183.0021.250wind
master_file    : char(255) ? [Master]
flag_height    : real      ? [20]
mb_level       : real      ? [850] 250

Use xvu Overlay Metafile to render the metafiles on top of an image. The image must be registered to the same master file as was used by llcontr and tovswind.




tipin, preing, ingtov, hirscdf, tovpre, tovret, filret, winret, tovscdf, tovswind

Last Update: $Date: 1998/05/29 20:54:39 $