resetorb - Resets/updates the orbital elements in a dataset.


resetorb  [ inputfile ... ]

Parameter is: use_drift.


resetorb rereads the satellite orbital element database and resets the satellite attitude and time adjustment attributes to zero. This function can be used to undo previous satellite attitude and time adjustments made via xvu navigation, or by various ingestors such as hrptin.

resetorb selects the elements from the orbital elements database closest in time to the pass time of each given input dataset. This allows the user to take advantage of updated or corrected orbital elements.

Optionally, satellite attitude and time adjustments can be initialized from the appropriate $SATDATA/satellite/drift file. The format of this file is as follows; blank lines or lines beginning with # are ignored:

date [stime] param value [rate]

  date is either yy/mm/dd or yy.ddd
  stime is hh:mm:ss GMT
  param is time, roll, pitch, yaw,
        lat, lon, line, samp
  time is in seconds
  roll, pitch, yaw are in degrees
  lat (subpoint latitude)  is in degrees (+ => north)
  lon (subpoint longitude) is in degrees (+ => east)
  line and samp (shift) are sensor pixels
  rate is per day

  91/01/01 roll .16                # permanent roll of .16 degrees
  91/03/07 12:00:00 time -.54 .01  # time adjust of -.54 seconds,
                                   # starting at 91/03/07 12:00:00 GMT,
                                   # and decreasing .01 secs/day

Records may be in any date/time order. For each parameter, the record with the closest date/time before the given date/time is used. The rate field should be used with the utmost care. resetorb reports drift parameters only if they are non-zero.


% resetorb
input file(s)  : char(255) ? n11.93209.1136
use_drift      : char(  3) ? [no]


orbdata, drift


fixoes, neworb 

Last Update: $Date: 1998/06/24 20:48:11 $