passcover - Determines pass parameters necessary to cover a specified region.


passcover  [ parameter=value ... ]

Parameters are: master_file, satellite, sensor, pass_date, pcap_time.


passcover determines the start time, start sample, number of lines and number of samples from a pass necessary to cover an area defined by a master dataset (master). This function produces a report similar to that generated by avin but does not extract the data.

This function does not require any input or output TeraScan datasets.



This is the name of the master dataset used to specify the region of interest.

Valid responses are any TeraScan dataset with an earth transform defined. The default is Master.


This is the name of the satellite in lower case.

Valid responses are [nimbus-g, tiros-n, noaa-6, noaa-7, noaa-8, noaa-9, noaa-10, noaa-11, noaa-12, noaa-13, noaa-14, orbview-2, f-8, f-9, f-10, f-11, f-12, unknown]. There is no default.


This is the sensor name entered in lower case.

Valid responses are [avhrr, hirs, ols, czcs, smmr, ssmi, ssmt]. The default is avhrr.


This is the date at the start of the pass.

Any valid date is allowed, see formats. The default is today's date.


This time is used to select the satellite orbit for which an ephemeris report will be generated. This can be any time, so long as the satellite is above the local horizon of the receiver for the time entered. A good choice for this time is the point of closest approach time from the pcap report.

Any valid time is allowed, see formats. There is no default value.


Determine the start time, start sample, number of lines, and number of samples for a pass over the Hawaiian islands.

[1] % passcover
master_file    : char(75) ? [Master] Hawaii
satellite      : char(11) ? noaa-10
sensor         : char( 5) ? [avhrr]
pass_date      : char(15) ? [89/08/03] 89 08 10
pcap_time      : char(15) ? 17 45 30

Master covers area 1164 lines by 1175 samples
Coverage starts at 17:51:08, sample 61

Run again ? [no]


sensorfile, orbdata


avhrr, xcapcon, etx, fastreg, master, orbit, pcap

Last Update: $Date: 1998/05/29 20:13:15 $