avin - Creates AVHRR datasets from HRPT telemetry data.


avin  [ parameter=value ... ]  [ outputfile ... ]
avin  [ parameter=value ... ]  [ directory ]

Parameters are: on_pass_disk, tape_device, pass_number, files_per_pass, pass_year, use_master, master_file, start_time, delta_line, num_lines, start_sample, delta_sample, num_samples, channels, max_time_adj, bogus_lines, hrpt_format.


avin creates TeraScan AVHRR (Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer) sensor datasets from HRPT telemetry data. Input telemetry data can be read from the pass disk, tape, or standard UNIX disk files. Multiple passes on tape or the pass disk can be processed at once.

The user can specify one or more of the five AVHRR channels to extract from the telemetry data. The data can also be spatially subsampled. The overall spatial subset of data to be extracted can be specified in one of two ways:

1) the smallest rectangular area required to cover a region defined by a master dataset. 2) a rectangular area of specific size, beginning at a user-specified time and scan sample.

There are no input TeraScan datasets. The sources for input telemetry data are described above. Output is either to a user supplied directory or a user-supplied list of dataset names. If a directory name is entered, output names will be automatically generated and the files will reside in the specified directory. Names will be generated that look like n#.yyddd.hhmm, where # is the NOAA satellite number, yyddd is the year and julian date, and hhmm is the start hour and minute of the output dataset.



Answer yes if the input is from the pass disk, or no if the input is from tape or standard UNIX disk file.

Valid responses are [yes or no]. The default is yes.


If on_pass_disk=no, this is the name of the input tape device or UNIX disk file name. Tape device names are machine specific. For example, the following devices are commonly used on the Sun SPARC Station:

  /dev/ncht0   - HP DAT, fixed blocking, compressed, APUNIX driver
  /dev/nrht0   - HP DAT, variable blocking, APUNIX driver
  /dev/nsx0    - Exabyte 8mm, fixed blocking, APUNIX driver
  /dev/nrsx0   - Exabyte 8mm, variable blocking, APUNIX driver
  /dev/rmt/0n  - Sun or HP DAT, variable blocking

All of the above device names imply no rewind on close.

The default is extracted from the UNIX environment variable $TAPE. Only tape devices listed in the file $PASSDIR/devtable, or simple UNIX disk file names, are accepted.


This specifies the number(s) of the pass(es) to process, when input is from tape or the pass disk. Passes are numbered starting with 1. Input tape is always assumed to be positioned at the first pass.

Valid responses for input from the pass disk are [1 - number of pass partitions]. The default response is the number of the last acquired pass.

Valid responses for input from tape are [1 to 100]. The default response is 1.


If input is from tape, this is the number of tape files per pass. If files_per_pass=2, then each pass is assumed to consist of a header file, followed by a data file. If files_per_pass=1, then the tape is assumed not to have any header files.

Valid responses are [1 or 2]. The default response is 2.


If on_pass_disk=no, this is the year that the pass was collected. All passes processed in one execution of avin must have the same year.

The valid range is [>=1970]. The default is [current year].


Answer yes if the data is to be selected from the intersection of a master dataset (number 1 in the description above, also see master). Answer no if subsets are to be specified by start time and sample (number 2 in description above).

Valid responses are [yes or no]. The default is yes.


If use_master=yes, this is the name of the master dataset used to specify a region for data extraction (see master).

Valid responses are any TeraScan dataset that contains an earth transform. The default is Master.


If use_master=no, this is the start time for data extraction. The first line with a time greater than start_time is the first output line. A response of 00:00:00 instructs avin to begin processing at the first scan line.

Any valid time is allowed (see formats). The default is 00:00:00.


This specifies the rate of subsampling in the direction of subtrack. If delta_line=3 every third line will be used. If delta_line=1, all lines will be used.

Valid responses are [1,2,3,4]. The default is 1.


If use_master=no, this is the number of lines written to the output dataset. delta_line * num_lines input lines will be processed to produce an output dataset containing num_lines. If the end of pass is detected before the output dataset is complete, the output dataset is truncated.

The valid range is [>=1]. The default is 5500/delta_line.


If use_master=no, this is the first sample to extract from the pass. Samples are numbered starting with 1.

The valid range is [1 to 2048]. The default is 1.


This specifies the rate of subsampling in the scan direction. If delta_sample=3 every third sample will be used. If delta_sample=1, all samples will be used.

Valid responses are [1,2,3,4]. The default is [1].


This is the number of samples written to the output dataset. delta_sample * num_samples input samples will be processed to produce an output dataset containing num_samples. If the edge of the pass is detected before the output dataset is complete, the output dataset is truncated.

The valid range is [1 <= num_samples * delta_sample <= 2048]. The default is 2048/delta_sample.


This is a list of the AVHRR channels to extract from the HRPT pass. The five channels correspond to 0.6-0.7, 0.7-1.1, 3.5-3.9, 10.3-11.3, and 11.5-12.5 micrometers.

Valid responses are [1,2,3,4,5]. The default is 1,2,3,4,5.


OPTIONAL. This parameter defines the maximum automatic time adjustment to be computed by comparing time recorded by the TeraScan framer rdframe and the HRPT telemetry time. This parameter only applies to data captured by TeraScan. It should be used only if the capturing system has a nearly perfect clock, i.e., constant accuracy better than 1/10 second.

The valid range is [>= 0]. The default is 0. This parameter must be explicitly specified on the command line.


OPTIONAL. This parameter defines the number of lines to skip when beginning to process a pass. This is used when initial pass lines contain deceiving date and time codes; e.g., when passes from two different satellites were accidentally concatenated during capture. This option is rarely needed.

The valid range is [>=0]. The default is 0. This parameter must be explicitly specified on the command line.


OPTIONAL. This parameter defines the format of the raw telemetry to be read by avin. The list of valid formats is [auto, scripps, dlr, toh, jwa, aes, dartcom, sharp, 14800, 14848, 15360, global, dundee, bug, lasham, lac, gac, user, jcook].

The choice auto stands for auto-sensing, which means avin will try to guess the format based on various bit-patterns and record sizes. The other choices force avin to read a particular format. See hrptin NOTES for descriptions of these other formats.

The default is auto. This parameter must be explicitly specified on the command line.


Create two TeraScan datasets named dataset1 and dataset2 from two consecutive passes archived on tape. The area for data selection is specified by a master dataset.

[1] % avin dataset1 dataset2
on_pass_disk   : char(  3) ? [yes] no
tape_device    : char(255) ? [/dev/nwd0]
pass_number    : int (100) ? [1] 2 4
files_per_pass : int       ? [2]
pass_year      : int       ? [1990] 1988
use_master     : char(  3) ? [yes]
master_file    : char(255) ? [Master]
delta_line     : int       ? [1]
delta_sample   : int       ? [1]
channels       : int (  5) ? [1 2 3 4 5]
Processing tape file 2
dataset1 starts at time 13:38:29.679, sample 1.
Actual size is 944 lines by 511 samples.
Processing tape file 4
dataset2 starts at time 02:35:23.679, sample 1.
Actual size is 938 lines by 569 samples.

Create one TeraScan dataset from a pass archived on tape. Area is selected from the beginning of the pass by specifying the time and start sample.

[2] % avin dataset1
on_pass_disk   : char(  3) ? [yes] no
tape_device    : char(255) ? [/dev/nwd0]
pass_number    : int (100) ? [1]
files_per_pass : int       ? [2]
pass_year      : int       ? [1990] 1988
use_master     : char(  3) ? [yes] no
start_time     : char( 15) ? [00:00:00]
delta_line     : int       ? [1]
num_lines      : int       ? [5500] 700
start_sample   : int       ? [1]
delta_sample   : int       ? [1]
num_samples    : int       ? [2048] 800
channels       : int (  5) ? [1 2 3 4 5]
Processing tape file 1
dataset1 starts at time 13:38:29.679, sample 1.
Actual size is 700 lines by 800 samples.

Create a TeraScan dataset from the most recent pass residing on the pass disk.

[3] % avin dataset1
on_pass_disk   : char(  3) ? [yes]
pass_number    : int (  4) ? [1]
use_master     : char(  3) ? [yes]
master_file    : char(255) ? [Master]
delta_line     : int       ? [1]
delta_sample   : int       ? [1]
channels       : int (  5) ? [1 2 3 4 5]
pass number 1:Processing raw disk file 1
dataset1 starts at time 13:38:29.679, sample 1.
Actual size is 944 lines by 511 samples.


orbdata, devtable


avhrr, datasets, formats, etx, hrptin, avcal, avfilt3, avfix, nitpix, satvis, gac, lac, fixline, master.


avin is the original version of the super-ingester hrptin. See hrptin(1) NOTES for a description of the formats supported by avin.

Last Update: $Date: 1998/10/12 19:58:21 $