avfix - Repairs bad or missing lines of data.


avfix  [ parameter=value ... ]  [ inputfile ... ]

Parameters are max_dups.


avfix replaces bad or missing lines of data by duplicating nearby good lines. This function can be applied to either raw count data or calibrated data. Bad lines are those which were listed as missing during ingest via avin, lac, or gac. All other repairs should be done with fixline.



This is the maximum number of times a line can be duplicated above and below to replace missing (bad) lines.

Valid responses are [1, 2, 3]. The default is 1.


In the examples valid data are designated by numbers and missing lines are denoted by minus "-" signs.

Example 1. One missing line is fixed.

[1] % avfix
max_dups   ?  [1]

  Input data set:

      11111111111111111111111  Record 1
      -----------------------  Record 2
      22222222222222222222222  Record 3

  Output data set:

      11111111111111111111111  Record 1
      11111111111111111111111  Record 2
      22222222222222222222222  Record 3

Where the second line is a replica of the first line. Example 2. Two missing lines are replaced.

[1] % avfix
max_dups   ?  [1]

  Input data set:

      11111111111111111111111  Record 1
      -----------------------  Record 2
      -----------------------  Record 3
      22222222222222222222222  Record 4

  Output data set:

      11111111111111111111111  Record 1
      11111111111111111111111  Record 2
      22222222222222222222222  Record 3
      22222222222222222222222  Record 4

Where the second line is a replica of the first line and the third line is a replica of the fourth.

Example 3. Four missing lines are replaced.

[1] % avfix
max_dups   ?  [1] 2

  Input data set:

      11111111111111111111111  Record 1
      -----------------------  Record 2
      -----------------------  Record 3
      -----------------------  Record 4
      -----------------------  Record 5
      22222222222222222222222  Record 6

  Output data set:

      11111111111111111111111  Record 1
      11111111111111111111111  Record 2
      11111111111111111111111  Record 3
      22222222222222222222222  Record 4
      22222222222222222222222  Record 5
      22222222222222222222222  Record 6

Where the second and third lines are replicas of the first line and the fourth and fifth lines are replicas of the sixth. Example 4. Four missing lines are replaced and two lines remain unfixed.

[1] % avfix
max_dups   ?  [1] 2

  Input data set:

      11111111111111111111111  Record 1
      -----------------------  Record 2
      -----------------------  Record 3
      -----------------------  Record 4
      -----------------------  Record 5
      -----------------------  Record 6
      -----------------------  Record 7
      22222222222222222222222  Record 8

  Output data set:

      11111111111111111111111  Record 1
      11111111111111111111111  Record 2
      11111111111111111111111  Record 3
      -----------------------  Record 4
      -----------------------  Record 5
      22222222222222222222222  Record 6
      22222222222222222222222  Record 7
      22222222222222222222222  Record 8

Where the second and third lines are replicas of the first line and the sixth and seventh lines are replicas of the eighth.


fixline, avin, gac, lac, smear, composite.

Last Update: $Date: 1998/05/28 19:45:49 $