dcsin - Creates DCS datasets from HRPT telemetry data.


dcsin  [ parameter=value ... ]  [ outputfile ... ]
dcsin  [ parameter=value ... ]  [ directory ]

Parameters are: on_pass_disk, tape_device, pass_number, files_per_pass, pass_year, max_time_adj, hrpt_format.


dcsin creates TeraScan DCS (Data Collection System) datasets from raw HRPT telemetry data. Input telemetry data can be read from the pass disk, tape, or standard UNIX files. Multiple passes on tape or the pass disk can be processed at once.

Output datasets contain the following variables:

date - The date the message was received.

time - The time the message was received.

platform_id - The identification number of the message sender

dcs_doppler - The unprocessed DCS doppler shift numbers. It is used to compute position.

dcs_quality - The message quality. 0 indicates a good value. 1 indicates questionable data.

dcs_count - The number of 4 byte quantities in dcs_data. It ranges between 0 and 7.

dcs_data - The unprocessed DCS message.

Platform latitude, longitude and elevation variables are added by the dcsloc function.

There are no input TeraScan datasets. The sources of input data are described above. Output is either to a user-supplied directory name or a user-supplied list of dataset names. If a directory name is entered, output dataset names will automatically be generated in the output directory. The format of the output file names is n#.yyddd.hhmm, where # is the NOAA satellite number, yyddd is the julian date, and hhmm is the start hour and minute of the output dataset.



Answer yes if the input is from the pass disk, or no if the input is from tape or standard UNIX disk file.

Valid responses are [yes or no]. The default is no.


If on_pass_disk=no, this is the name of the input tape device or UNIX disk file. Tape device names are machine specific. For example, the following devices are commonly used on the Sun SPARC Station:

  /dev/nwd0  - DAT, fixed blocking, APUNIX driver
  /dev/nrwd0 - DAT, variable blocking, APUNIX driver
  /dev/nsx0  - 8mm, fixed blocking, APUNIX driver
  /dev/nrwd0 - 8mm, variable blocking, APUNIX driver
  /dev/nrmt0 - 8mm or CCT, variable blocking, SUN driver

All of the above device names imply no rewind on close.

The default is extracted from the UNIX environment variable TAPE. Only tape devices listed in the file $PASSDIR/devtable, or simple UNIX disk files, are accepted.


This specifies the number(s) of the pass(es) to process, when input is from either tape or the pass disk. Passes are numbered starting with 1. Input tape is always assumed to be positioned at the first pass.

Valid responses for input from the pass disk are [1 to maximum number of passes that can be stored on your pass disk (see lspass(1))]. The default response is the number of the last acquired pass.

Valid responses for input from tape are [1 to 100]. The default response is 1.


If input is from tape, this is the number of tape files per pass. If files_per_pass=2, then each pass is assumed to consist of a header file, followed by a data file. If files_per_pass=1, then the tape is assumed not to have any header files.

Valid responses are [1 or 2]. The default response is 2.


If on_pass_disk=no, this is the year that the pass was collected. All passes processed in one execution of dcsin must have the same year.

The valid range is [>=1970]. The default is [1990].


[ OPTIONAL ] This parameter determines the maximum time difference allowed between the time embedded in the telemetry and that stored when the pass was received and written to disk. For example, if max_time_adj=30 then whenever there is a difference between these two times of less than 30 seconds the stored time is used rather than the telemetry time.

The valid range is [>=0]. The default is 0. This implies that the telemetry time will always be used. This parameter must be explicitly set on the command line.


OPTIONAL. This parameter defines the format of the raw telemetry to be read by dcsin. The list of valid formats is [auto, scripps, dlr, toh, jwa, aes, dartcom, sharp, 14800, 14848, 15360, global, dundee, bug, lasham, lac, gac, user, jcook].

The choice auto stands for auto-sensing, which means dcsin will try to guess the format based on various bit-patterns and record sizes. The other choices force dcsin to read a particular format. See hrptin NOTES for descriptions of these other formats.

The default is auto. This parameter must be explicitly specified on the command line.


Extract a TeraScan DCS dataset named hugo.dcs from a pass archived on tape. Note that parity errors are common at the beginning and end of the pass when the satellite is low on the horizon.

[1] % dcsin hugo.dcs
on_pass_disk   : char(  3) ? [yes] no
tape_device    : char(255) ? [/dev/nwd0]
pass_number    : int (100) ? [1]
files_per_pass : int       ? [2]
pass_year      : int       ? [1990] 1989
/dev/nwd0: Processing pass 1
hugo.dcs starts at time 18:42:43.422, sample 1.
DCS parity error at line 93
DCS parity error at line 99
DCS parity error at line 108
DCS parity error at line 252
DCS parity error at line 258
DCS parity error at line 261
DCS parity error at line 279
DCS parity error at line 381
DCS parity error at line 4275
DCS parity error at line 4281
DCS parity error at line 4347
DCS parity error at line 4563
DCS parity error at line 4584
DCS parity error at line 4662
DCS parity error at line 4665
DCS parity error at line 4687
DCS parity error at line 4689

[2] % contents hugo.dcs
printout        : char( 3) ? [no]

hugo.dcs  Contents  Page 1

   1         902
   2          40

Global Attributes:
  history          byte
  projection       long    std_projection   sensor_scan
  et_affine        double                   1 0 0 1 0 0
  satellite        byte                     noaa-11
  sensor           long    std_sensor       avhrr
  pass_date        long    std_date         89/09/21
  start_time       double  std_time         18:42:43.422
  time_adjust      double  std_time         00:00:00
  attitude         double  degrees          0 0 0
  sensor_tilt      double  degrees          0
  sensorient       double  degrees          0 45 0 55.3 -55.3
  scan_samples     long                     2048
  scan_rates       double                   6 40000 37.6991
  orb_elem_date    long    std_date         89/09/21
  orb_elements     double                   0.134118 0.827972 0.0005 0.0012184
                             0.903569 0.577092 0.274849
  center_lat       double  std_latitude
  center_lon       double  std_longitude
  map_angle        double  degrees

Variable Attributes:


  date             long    std_date
     1         902

  time             double  std_time
     1         902

  platform_id      long
     1         902

  dcs_doppler      long
     1         902

  dcs_quality      long
     1         902

  dcs_count        long
     1         902

  dcs_data         byte
     1         902
     2          40


orbdata, devtable


dcs, dcsloc, dcslist, dcsmix, avin, hrptin


See hrptin NOTES to the see the input record formats supported by dcsin.

Last Update: $Date: 1998/05/28 18:15:02 $